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Eurycantha calcarata
Eurycantha calcarata
Eurycnema goliath
Eurycnema goliath
Sticktalk is the safe, friendly online resource and mailing list for anyone interested in stick insects, walking sticks, phasmids - different names, same insect!

Each day, members contribute news, information, anecdotes, requests for information, advice, requests for stock, and much much more. Our hard-working moderators reformat all the contributions into a single email, sent daily to each of our 650 members around the globe.

Because of the human touch our moderators bring, you can be sure there will never be spam or innappropriate content in your email. Your email address is never made public (unless you choose to share it with list members), so you will not risk receiving unsolicited email as a result of signing up to the list.

As well as stick and leaf insects, many of our members have related interests, including mantids, roaches, snails, scorpions, beetles and more. Occasionally postings on these subjects turn up in Sticktalk, introducing members to even more of the wonderful world of invertebrates. It doesn't matter what level of enthusiast you are - we have members ranging from from absolute beginners to full-time entomological researchers, and from pre-teens to, well, more senior members. Hosted at HostingUK.Net