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From time to time, Sticktalk members may have excess stock (live insects or viable ova) and wish to share these with other subscribers. Similarly members may seek to acquire specific livestock or ova. Our rules forbid the buying and selling of livestock on the list, but we are happy to act as a "clearing house" for members' own requests and offers, where there is no fee involved other than postage costs.

If you wish to offer stock, or you have a specific requirement, please complete the details below. Once a week the current wants / offers are summarised on the Sticktalk email, circulated to all members. Please note that this service is open to current Sticktalk subscribers ONLY. You will be required to enter your email address and this will be verified before your wants or offers are published on the list. Please note that your email address will also be shown on the list, though not, of course, on this website.

Wants / offers remain valid and will appear in the Sticktalk email for four weeks; after that time they will be automatically removed. Should you want to cancel the listing earlier than that, you may follow a link in the confirmation email that will be sent to you; doing so will remove your listing with immediate effect.
My name (or nickname):
My Email address:
The email address you enter must be the one to which we send Sticktalk. This address will be published on the list as part of the weekly wants/offers listing.
I am located in: (Country)
I have excess stock / ova to offer:
I am looking for stock / ova:
