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The Sticktalk mailing list is currently distributed typically once per week to 161 subscribers around the world. All emails are reviewed by a human moderator, so you can be certain that you will never receive offensive, innappropriate or advertising material. Most weeks, received emails are combined into a single email for redistribution to list members; occasionally more than one mail may be sent out (where a member needs particularly urgent help, perhaps). We will never pass on your email details to anyone, unless you specifically include your email address for in a contribution for circulation to the other list members. We do need you to read and agree to the terms and conditions below... then just complete this simple form for immediate sign-up to the list!
My name (or nickname):
My Email address:
Confirm Email address:
Your country:
Heard about Sticktalk from:
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Sometimes Sticktalk sends out pictures with the emails
(typically of insects or ova)
Yes, I wish to receive these attachments
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the Sticktalk mailing list